Strategic Planning for Churches in 2022


As a pastor, you know that strategic planning is crucial for the growth of your church. Done well, strategic planning can help your church take advantage of opportunities to reach more people and make a lasting impact in your community.

With 2022 here, now is the time to start thinking about what your church’s priorities should be and how you can best achieve them. Here are four key areas to focus on as you develop your strategic plan for the coming year:


1. Outreach and evangelism.

As the body of Christ, we are called to share the good news of Jesus with those who are lost. What opportunities exist for your church to reach out to unbelievers in your community? How can you better equip your members to evangelize?

2. Discipleship and spiritual growth.

Once people come to Christ, it is our responsibility to help them grow in their faith. What programs or initiatives can you put in place to disciples new believers and encourage spiritual growth among your members?


3. Serving the community.

Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. How can your church serve those who are hurting or in need? What partnerships can you develop with local organizations to make a bigger impact?


4. Stewardship and financial giving.

Finances are always a key concern for churches, but it is important to remember that we are called to be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. How can you better manage your church’s finances and encourage giving among your members?



Developing a strategic plan may seem like a daunting task, but it is an essential part of ensuring that your church is positioned for growth in the coming year.

By focusing on outreach and evangelism, discipleship and spiritual growth, serving the community, and stewardship and financial giving, you can develop a plan that will help your church make a lasting impact in 2022 and beyond.