How to Ask the Right Questions for a Successful Strategic Plan

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Leadership | 0 comments

A strategic plan is only as good as the questions that inform it. If you want to create a strategic plan that will lead your church to success, you need to start by asking the right questions.

But what are the right questions? Here are a few examples to get you started.

  1. What is our mission?
  2. What are our core values?
  3. What does our church do well?
  4. What do we need to improve?
  5. Who are our key stakeholders?
  6. What are our main goals?
  7. What are some possible ways to achieve our goals?
  8. What are the risks and potential roadblocks associated with each option?
  9. What is the budget for this project?
  10. How will we know if we’re successful?

Asking these questions will help you create a strategic plan that is clear, achievable, and tailored to your specific needs and goals. So don’t be afraid to ask tough questions—it’s the only way to get answers that will lead to real results.

The bottom line is that if you want your strategic planning process to be successful, you need to start by asking great questions. Questions help people explore new possibilities, discover hidden biases, and build consensus among key stakeholders. So don’t be afraid to ask tough questions—it’s the only way to get answers that will lead to real results.