Featured Articles
Learn more about strategic planning and leadership development for your church.
Self-Leadership for Executives: Neglect At Your Own Peril
The Crucial Role of Self-Leadership for Executive Leaders You know leading a team is not for the faint of heart. You're juggling a million tasks, managing your own priorities, and doing what you can to make sure everyone else is moving forward. You understand the...
Five Tensions a Church Needs to Manage in a Strategic Planning Process: Focused & Flexible
When it comes to strategic planning for churches, one tension which quickly rises to the surface is the balance between being FOCUSED and FLEXIBLE as a strategic plan is being built. By definition, a plan for the future needs to provide a certain degree of focus to...
10 Interview Questions to Gauge Alignment with Your Church’s Mission and Vision
How to Hire Team Members that Fit Your Culture and Chemistry As a pastor, one of the most important things you can do is cultivate a healthy team dynamic. Your team is responsible for carrying out the mission of your church, and everyone must work together...
Who should you involve in your church’s strategic planning process?
When churches begin to explore strategic planning in considering their future I generally see two ideas when it comes to who should be involved: Involve everyone. Or Involve only the leaders at the top. Neither are correct. Yes, a church is a community, and strategic...
Overcoming Objections to Strategic Planning in Churches
Strategic planning in churches comes with lots of challenges. While we should certainly recognize and emphasize God’s faithfulness and His provision, intentional planning does not necessarily leave God out of the picture or minimize our dependency on the Holy Spirit....
The Importance of Communicating Your Vision for a Worship Service
Pastors, I’m going to teach you how to have meaningful, worship-filled services in your church every Sunday. You may feel like your worship services are stuck in a rut, doing the same things week after week with little to show for it in terms of improving the overall...
Identifying and Developing Young Leaders in Your Church
One of the responsibilities of leadership is not only to lead but also to identify, inspire, motivate and develop future leaders. Helping others see the potential of their own leadership – even when they may not see it themselves! – is an incredible privilege we have...
Five Distinctions of Christian Leadership
I’ve been involved in Christian leadership in some form since becoming a Christian in high school, being introduced to leading worship, and being asked to lead teams and events through university, eventually ending up in vocational Christian leadership for 20 years....