Strategic Planning Prep for Your Church

Strategic Planning Prep for Your Church

by | September 11, 2022


One of the most important aspects of being a pastor is leading your church through strategic planning. This can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve never done it before. But don’t worry! I’m here to help. In this blog post, I’ll give you some tips on how to prepare for your first strategic planning session so that you can ensure that you have the right people in the room and that everyone is on the same page.



1. Pray for wisdom.


Before you do anything else, take some time to pray and ask God for wisdom. This is an important decision that will affect the future of your church, so it’s crucial that you seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.



2. Define your church’s vision and mission.


Before you can start thinking about who should be involved in the strategic planning process, you need to first define your church’s vision and mission. What are you trying to accomplish as a church? What does your community need from you? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you’ll be able to identify the people who can help you achieve them.


3. Gather input from key stakeholders.


Once you have a good understanding of your vision and mission, it’s time to start gathering input from key stakeholders. This includes but is not limited to your church elders, deacons, staff members, and lay leaders. These are the people who are closest to the day-to-day operations of the church and who will be most affected by any changes that are made, so their input is essential.


4. Create a timeline.


After you’ve gathered all of the necessary input, it’s time to start putting together a timeline for your strategic planning process. This will ensure that everyone stays on track and that no one feels like they’re being left out of the loop.


5. Have a clear goal in mind.


As with any meeting or event, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind before you begin. What do you hope to accomplish by the end of the strategic planning process? Keep this goal at the forefront of your mind as you move forward so that you can ensure that all of your decisions are moving you closer to it.


6. Make sure everyone is on the same page.



To avoid any confusion or conflict down the road, it’s important to make sure that everyone is on the same page from the very beginning. Before beginning any discussion or making any decisions, review your vision and mission with everyone in attendance so that there is no misunderstanding about what you’re trying to achieve. By following these steps, you can set yourself up for success as you embark on this important journey!



Engaging in strategic planning can be a daunting task, but by following these simple steps, you can ensure that you have all of the right people in the room and that everyone is clear about your church’s vision and mission . By taking some time to prepare upfront ,you’ll set yourself up for success as you work together to map out a bright future for your church!