Turn your church's passion in to a plan.

I help churches faithfully realize their God-given vision.

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Move your church's vision forward

Growth brings complexity which becomes chaos.

  • You’re exhausted from saying the same thing over and over.
  • You’ve got staff and leaders with no accountability.
  • Your org chart is a mess.
  • You agonize over how to turn your church’s vision in to a clear plan.
  • Worst of all, you believe you’re wasting your time and questioning whether what you’re doing is worth the effort.

I’ve been there and I can help.

Let’s start with a free phone call to talk about your options.

Get confident on where you are today.

No more “ish” numbers! Benchmark your current reality and get everyone honest about the data.

Get clear on the future you envision.

Make sure everyone knows your mission, vision, and values. Establish common understanding of the language you use in a way that rallies people together!

Get leaders inspired and excited to move forward together.

When people know the goal and how they contribute to a win, their commitment and passion increases. Build leaders with contagious excitement for what God is doing in your church.

More than a consultant.
An experienced, trusted guide.


I won’t give you status quo answers or hand you an off-the-shelf solution. Your church deserves a customized plan which solves the challenges you’re facing today.

I bring 20 years of church leadership experience, a Master’s degree in Leadership, coaching certifications, and the ability to look at your church through fresh eyes.

Trusted by these & more Leading Churches

“After spending a day with Chris our team came out with a clear set of strategic priorities for the future and clarity on what it will take to get us there. Chris leads skillfully and with intention creating a collaborative environment where everyone feels heard and valued. His insights are incredibly clear, helpful, and delivered with such encouragement that you feel like you could accomplish it all! Chris is a gift to the Canadian church and we can’t wait to work with him again!”

Tammy Giffen
Lead Pastor

Groundswell Church

“Chris has been a collaborative clarifier for me personally, and for our staff team. His thoughtful curiosity brought the best out of our team as we considered vision and strategy, and learned more about our leadership voices. Working with Chris has made us better as leaders and has positioned our church for mission engagement with greater focus and intentionality.”

Dave Larmour
Lead Pastor

King Street Community Church

 “A committed, insightful, results oriented, transformational leader are the words I’d use to describe Chris. I had the great privilege of seeing the impact up close of Chris’ influence on the organization we both worked for. On a personal note I deeply appreciated Chris’ tenacity and can-do attitude as we worked to bring about positive cultural change in a fast paced church environment. Do yourself a favour and take advantage of Chris’ wealth of knowledge and experiences in helping your organization grow.”

Dave Adams
Senior Pastor

StoneRidge Fellowship

“Chris is able to put his thumbprint on the underlying challenges facing a team. With our team, He was able to step back, assess and give his insights while allowing us to work toward our own solutions and strategy. It was all very organic and measurably beneficial.”

Gary Campbell
Pastor of Adult Ministries

King Street Community Church

“Having Chris coach me through enneagram was a really valuable and helpful experience. I’ve done many other personality, gifts, and strengths tests in the past, but Chris not only had a deep understanding of the tools and report, but asked fantastic questions that helped me reflect and find really good ways I can lead and serve in my current context. I’m excited to continue to use Chris as a coach and resource to help me grow in self-awareness and better love those around me.”

Dave Siverns
Executive Pastor

Compass Point Bible Church

“Chris and I were colleagues for a number of years at a large church in Canada. Chris is one of the best leaders I’ve ever worked with. To this day I continue to implement concrete leadership principles I learned from him! Recently I reached out for a free chat. Chris helped me think through an important leadership decision in a way other voices had not been able to. If you’re looking to revision the current state of your church with a fresh, helpful, clear voice – talk to Chris!”

Mark Strickland
Lead Pastor

Milton Bible Church

“Chris is often one of my first calls when I’m looking for counsel on leadership, organizational strategy, and career decisions. Beyond being a great friend, his personal life experience has provided him the ability to guide our discussions with wise and balanced questions that help me walk boldly towards healthy personal and organizational decisions.”

Matt Kerr
Pastor of Worship & Communications

Faith Baptist Church

Chris cares. I’ve known Chris over 15 years, and that is what comes to mind when I think about him. He cares about people and their stories. He cares about leaders and their development. He cares about organizations and their advancement. You can trust him to care about you, your context, and your future.”

Casey Ross
Ministry Development Pastor

Local Church

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